Friday, January 9, 2015

How To Survive College

Hello everyone,

So, you are done with high school and going into college. When you were in high school you probably heard that college is so much fun and relaxing than high school. Well, I am sorry to break your heart, it is much harder than you expected, if you want good grades. Here is what I don't like about college and how I am surviving.

  1. Making new friends can be difficult for new students. It is very difficult to come to a whole new different place and make a whole new group of friends. You go from high school; you got all these “friends forever” to no friends. Some advice I can give you on that is, join a club, sports or some organization in your college. Get involved and meet new friends that have same interest as you. J
  2. Another thing about college that I don’t like is having to pay so much on textbooks from university bookstore. Like seriously, $158 for ONE textbook? That’s just ridonculous! And if you need books for 4 more classes, it adds up. The way I save money on textbooks is renting or buying from my local city bookstore call “Textbooks for Less”. You could rent it or buy it for cheaper price on Amazon, eBay, slugbooks and there are many other websites. The thing about buying books is you are not guaranteed that the bookstores will buy it back from you, so always ask the price they will take it back for and if they will accept that edition. 
  3. When you were in high school, your teachers or your parents always asks you to do your homework and study. When you come to college, you are independent and instructors won’t take late works. If your assignment is due @11:59pm and you turn in at 12:00am, you will get a 0. To avoid that, do your assignments before hand than go enjoy yourself. You always have to balance between school and party; you don’t want to be that kid that stays in their room for 24hrs typing away… I need A and study all the time (I am guilty of that). Have fun and study well!

P.S/ Read my college tips on how to keep your grades up and be organized. (Take advantage of Supplemental Instructions and free tutoring programs on campus)

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